(1) By B. Martin on September 13, 2017
The book was recommended to me, and I have since shared it with friends and family members. I found this book incredibly compelling, as it serves as a reminder that we have a responsibility, as American citizens, to ensure that we take an active role in protecting the very tenets that have made this country so great and have afforded us the opportunities we have today. That is why it's so imperative that future generations have an in-depth understanding of the Constitution and its role in ensuring our individual rights and liberties. I believe that every civics and social studies teacher in the United States should read this book and consider the immense responsibility associated with teaching the Constitution as the foundation for the best system of government ever created. As Donald Young points out, many people see the Constitution as a living document. However, our founders never meant for it to be a discretionary document.
Over the years, we have grown so accustomed to executive mandates being imposed at the federal level, that most Americans have come to accept these actions as the norm. The more we allow this to occur, the less power we have as a people. We've also forgotten that appointed government officials work for us and that they have a fundamental responsibility to uphold the Constitution. Many of these officials have neglected to do so, despite having taken an oath to do so. Donald Young rightfully asserts that it is our responsibility, as American citizens, to hold them accountable.
By allowing the federal government to take away the autonomy of the state and local governments, we risk seeing an increase in bureaucratic encroachment on our basic Constitutional rights. We also risk the installation of more irresponsible and incompetent policies. As Young points out, too much bureaucracy has led to a loss of control federal spending and massive debt, poorly ranked public education systems, a decrease in our national defense systems, a complicated and ineffective tax system, and a stifling of entrepreneurship and free market capitalism in the United States, among many other things. Donald Young's inclusion of facts and statistics from reputable sources, some of which are quite shocking, serve to reinforce his arguments and help the reader understand how dire it is that these issues be addressed before it is too late.
(2) By Healthycell on August 31, 2017
When you turn on the news, you see reporting through a skewed lens - either left or right. The news does not report the facts in an unbiased way anymore. It's hard to form an informed opinion when the information is so politically filtered. Sometimes the same event can be covered by two different channels with polar opposite conclusions. This book, on the other hand, reports the facts and draws logical conclusions based on those facts. It does not bash democrats or republicans. It is focused on the facts. This is why I highly recommend it.
It holds us accountable to the underlying foundations of our country - the Constitution and other founding documents. It highlights the brilliance of our founding fathers in a way that reminds us of the respect we must have for them. Yes, they were flawed in many ways, but creating a just government was one of their strengths - one for which we need to be grateful and for which we need to maintain respect to ensure our own futures.
I bought several additional copies for several family members.
(3) By Roseann La Manna on July 27, 2014
In "Restore the Future", Donald Young traces the concept from its first appearance in America in 1780, when John Adams , writing the Massachusetts Constitution, referred to " a government of laws, not of men ". The founders required a written document "in clear and concise language, so opportunity for misinterpretation then - and in the future - was limited'.
Rule of law, defined as a formal regular process of law enforcement and adjudication, which rules are binding on rulers and ruled alike, establishes that no person is above the law. As in the Magna Carta, this is the "Law of the Land". The rule of law starts with the Constitution --- All major office holders take an oath to its law. .
Young supplies welcome references to the writings of the Federalist authors, necessary reading for understanding the frame of mind of principal authors Madison, #44, #57, Hamilton #7. In this regard, the Bill of Rights, added 2 years later, in 1789, enumerated the so-called "negative liberties", expressly intended to LIMIT the federal government, not state governments.
"Restore the Future" describes and decries current specific challenges to the Constitution by the administration's moves to act extra-legislatively using administrative decrees. Witness environment regulation (EPA), labor law manipulation (NLRB,) internet interference (FCC), etc. Aside from direct meddling, administration directives result in non-prosecution of violations of lawfully enacted measures, e.g. immigration law. .
Young cites administration moves to expand Constitutionally-absent , so-called "positive rights", in its arrogant movement to subvert "original intent" by eschewing the provided-for amendment process of the founders.
Justice Scalia has called the Constitution a "contract", "an agreement between citizens and their government". "Words have meanings", he said.
The progressive view of this document imputes to that precious contract words which are nowhere to be found! "Rights" to education, healthcare, et al, what the federal or state government must do in your behalf are conspicuously absent! And to see them there is the Rule of hallucination.
This is but one chapter in an extremely instructive book which should be a text for High School Seniors, to prepare them for the onslaught of double-speak they will soon encounter in higher education or just by osmosis in the pervasive liberal smog. "Restore the Future" will be passed on to my student-grands.... and to a few of my peers as well.
(4) By Charles H. DuBois on January 2, 2014
Well over 200 years ago, a remarkable group of individuals uniquely envisioned a world where the people could determine their own destiny, without the "guidance" of royalty or tyrants. This vision was, critically, formalized in the Constitution and other landmark documents. The result has been the most successful nation in the history of the world. However, many of these basic principles are being increasingly forgotten or intentionally overlooked. Mr. Young does an excellent job of first providing historical perspective on the origination of these key ideas. With a wonderful combination of thoroughness and conciseness, the author then reviews the status of these essential principles, explaining the impact of the current erosion of many of the economic, legal and moral underpinnings of the nation's past success. He then provided solutions for a better way forward such that the future can, indeed, be "restored".
(5) By Marie Harwick on November 13, 2014
This is an outstanding book! It is easy to read and very educational. Mr. Young begins every chapter with a relevant quote from an historical American and ends each chapter with a bottom line which reviews what you have read. I learned many things that I never knew before, and I was re-energized to fight for the future of this country.
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